Account nagsara

Call center life... sometimes you can't do anything if your accunt closes down...
Man (director): Tomorrow is our last day...
Some people cry!
Ken: there you go, 'coz of invalid sales...
For some people, it's a time for celebration!
Jeff: Woohoo! At last we can shift to another account!
Clover: Good! the management here sucks!!! hehe
Labels: accounts closing down, call center cartoons, call center comic strips, call center comics, call center humour, call center jokes
The sad part is if the agents assigned to said dead account are project based employees.
Lucky for them if they can fill seats or buff for other campaigns or go on forced leave.
They're screwed if they joined the 200,000 who may lose their jobs in 2009.
QAC - usually they are being assigned to another account (just like what happened with ACS) but a lot chose to leave because of reluctancy and loss of tenure in the new account
great stuff you have here. just keep it coming.
noah - thanks!
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