Boracay Contest

Rhea: Can I just encash that instead?
Ken: You really look like money huh?
Labels: call center, call center cartoons, call center comic strips, call center comics, call center humour, contest, motivation
Callwork is a comic strip that pays tribute to all Business Process Outsourcing workforce here in the Philippines
Labels: call center, call center cartoons, call center comic strips, call center comics, call center humour, contest, motivation
Hahaha! This makes me remember a time last year when my boss gathered three of us, employees, and told us she'd grant us incentives if we could finish a certain project in one month.
the first one wanted a particular cell phone brand. i wanted an electric guitar and an amp but, for safety purposes, instead told her that "i'll think about it first and tell you when i've made my mind." the third employee, on the other hand, used the same words rhea used here. heheh...
nice one, hazel.
Whoa! So true! I mean ya know' expect them to sell their winning items!
At a time when Gas and Rice Prices are going nowhere but up, cash is a better motivator.
Planet Markus - Yup, some people would prefer to buy necessities but incentives are designed for people to enjoy life
harold - hahaha! which reminds me, i will be selling my spa gift certificate since I'm not interested to go for a massage!
QAC - there should be both cash and prizes :)
Hey hazel! Some friends here want to meet you. Maybe a drink this saturday morning?
Hello po;) I have been watching callwork for quite some time now. I also added you in my friendster. I was sending a msg but you didn't reply yet. genpact ka pala hope I get to meet you in the northgate area sometime. regards and all the best for callwork
-jigz 09284658956
harold - sure bz lang ako last sat. sa parties. ill let you know when
jigz - sure. keep in touch
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