I'm 28! This April 28 2008!!!
Today is April 28 and I'm 28 years old. I have been waiting to be 28 since I was a kid. Hay, still I have a long way to go and accomplish a lot of things.
Labels: random thoughts
Callwork is a comic strip that pays tribute to all Business Process Outsourcing workforce here in the Philippines
Today is April 28 and I'm 28 years old. I have been waiting to be 28 since I was a kid. Hay, still I have a long way to go and accomplish a lot of things.
Labels: random thoughts
Labels: call center cartoons, call center comic strips, call center comics, call center humour, holdap cellphone
I've been addicted before in the DDR (dance dance revolution) in Timezone. Now I'm completely addicted in the UFO Catcher and crane games in Tom's World. They've got cool stuffed toys (original toys and not from divisoria). Most of the time, and every weekends, you'll find me hanging out in the arcade malls. It's been a struggle trying to find time to draw comics and I know I should discipline myself more. But hey, time is too short and I also need to have fun. I have been working the whole week and I still need to work on the weekends?!? At least I try not to buy the nintendo Wii to save more time from idleness/games. Sometimes I wish I don't have work for 2 months so I can just play all the games I want and draw all the comics I need to draw. I have been working straight for six years, that requires me to wake up at a certain time and render odd hours in the office. I didn't get to stop even when I was transitioning to another company. Sometimes I envy people who stop working for at least 2 months or even a year and then they get to go back to work. I wonder why people say that it will look bad in your resume. I kept thinking why does it have a negative impact in the resume... maybe it's because it shows your laziness of wanting to have idle time. If you would ask me why I'm still working up to now, it's because of TENACITY.
Labels: arcade games, crane games, quantum, random thoughts, time zone, tom's world, ufo catcher, work
Labels: call center comic strips, call center comics, call center humour, screen pop
Labels: call center cartoons, call center comic strips, call center comics, call center humour, excuses at work
This call center agent sat beside me the other day to make chika. She's 28 years old. I looked at her pretty features and thought about what she has been telling me... She is really pretty and to think she fell in love with a 45 years old man seems to distract me. I mean, yeah there are negative consequences but with the "perks" she's getting, why not?
Labels: american guys, call center, older guys
Labels: call center cartoons, call center comic strips, call center comics, call center humour
Labels: call center cartoons, call center comic strips, call center comics, call center pantry, pantry thief, pizza
Labels: callwork fan art, fan mails
Labels: call center, call center cartoons, call center comic strips, call center comics, food in pantry